Jennifer & Jorge

Hoping to Adopt (New York)


This is Us
Jorge and I got married on a perfect October day in NYC with our son Manny by our side.
Jorge and I got married on a perfect October day in NYC with our son M...
Into the night we celebrated our love for one another - I felt like a princess!
Into the night we celebrated our love for one another - I felt like a...
We are so thankful to all who celebrated our union.
We are so thankful to all who celebrated our union.
This was our first date!  Jorge wanted to impress me so he brought me to a Mediterranean restaurant with belly dancers.  I'm so glad we have this photo of how it all began.
This was our first date! Jorge wanted to impress me so he brought me...
Jorge proposed to me inside an ancient castle in Portugal.  We were all dressed up in costumes and he completely surprised me by dropping down on one knee.  Of course Manny was in on it.
Jorge proposed to me inside an ancient castle in Portugal. We were al...
Every summer Jorge, Manny and I visit the castle where Jorge proposed to me and dress up for the fair.  This year I found a costume I liked better than the  previous.  Lol
Every summer Jorge, Manny and I visit the castle where Jorge proposed...
I love to go on hikes!  Climbing to the top of a mountain with a backpack of lunch supplies is the perfect way to spend a summer day.
I love to go on hikes! Climbing to the top of a mountain with a backp...
We also liked the busy streets of Venice where we dined on the canals in al fresco restaurants serving lots and lots of pizza!
We also liked the busy streets of Venice where we dined on the canals...
Portugal is where Jorge was born so we visit often.
Portugal is where Jorge was born so we visit often.
White sandy beaches, blue clear water and a sun soaking pod...seems like a great day in the Dominican for us!
White sandy beaches, blue clear water and a sun soaking pod...seems li...
Did someone say scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef?  Since I wasn't a diver, I snorkeled and saw the beautiful fish.
Did someone say scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef? Since I wasn'...
Celebrating Canada Day is important to Jorge so here we are in Vancouver getting ready to enjoy the fireworks.
Celebrating Canada Day is important to Jorge so here we are in Vancouv...
Every year for my birthday Jorge takes me away on a trip.  A few years ago it was Savannah, Georgia where we found the most delicious food in the town of Forrest Gump.
Every year for my birthday Jorge takes me away on a trip. A few years...
Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Jorge and I are just enjoying the sunny day at a lighthouse landmark.  Jorge's entire family is with us but we snuck away for a few minutes of alone time.
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jorge and I are just enjoying the sunny day at...
Australia is a favorite spot of ours.  It is tiny, but in the background is the famous Opera House which is a part of the Sydney skyline.
Australia is a favorite spot of ours. It is tiny, but in the backgrou...
We frequently get tickets to Broadway shows and snap pics before the performance starts.
We frequently get tickets to Broadway shows and snap pics before the p...
We also love our selfies.  Jorge thinks he's back in high school going to see a rock band with this one.
We also love our selfies. Jorge thinks he's back in high school going...
Seriously Jorge?.
Seriously Jorge?.
Who doesn't want a 50th birthday hug like this one?!  Jorge has such an amazing relationship with our son...
Who doesn't want a 50th birthday hug like this one?! Jorge has such a...
The 3 of us!
The 3 of us! we can't wait to welcome a little addition to our loving family. we can't wait to welcome a little addition to our loving family.
This is us...Jennifer & Jorge - Beauty and the Geek.
This is us...Jennifer & Jorge - Beauty and the Geek.
Our Teenage Son
Lots of laughter and lots of love!
Lots of laughter and lots of love!
This is our teenage son Manny who is a musician at heart.  With three guitars, of which he saved his allowance to help buy, and a piano he refurbished himself, we are so lucky to hear him playing throughout our home each and every day.
This is our teenage son Manny who is a musician at heart. With three...
Giving back to his community is important to Manny, so he volunteers at the local food shelter to prepare and pack lunches for senior citizens.
Giving back to his community is important to Manny, so he volunteers a...
This is the player piano which Manny sought out online and got for free!  He has spent many hours taking it apart, fixing it and putting it back together.
This is the player piano which Manny sought out online and got for fre...
An avid reader with an abundance of natural intellect, Manny cannot keep his nose out of a book!
An avid reader with an abundance of natural intellect, Manny cannot ke...
We all like to learn through immersive cultural experiences so we travel a lot as a family.  Here is Manny in Japan participating in a local tradition at a garden.
We all like to learn through immersive cultural experiences so we trav...
Manny also enjoys our cooking lessons when we travel.  Here he is in Vietnam preparing for our meal.
Manny also enjoys our cooking lessons when we travel. Here he is in V...
Manny is an engineer by nature and is always willing to lend a hand with the family business.  His contributions are valuable and we enjoy his help.
Manny is an engineer by nature and is always willing to lend a hand wi...
As you can see, he likes to be involved with building prototypes.  Manny is giving Jorge some pointers on our new invention.
As you can see, he likes to be involved with building prototypes. Man...
Manny also has a silly side!
Manny also has a silly side!
And loves Jurassic Park.  This is Manny's favorite movie and book.
And loves Jurassic Park. This is Manny's favorite movie and book.
Star Wars is another favorite
Star Wars is another favorite "thing" around this house. With light sa...
When he was younger Manny enjoyed showing off his roundhouse kicks at Taekwondo.
When he was younger Manny enjoyed showing off his roundhouse kicks at...
Since he loves to build it's no wonder Manny made a prototype boat for a bigger project he was involved with at school.
Since he loves to build it's no wonder Manny made a prototype boat for...
And here is Manny with the actual boat!  He was invited to join an extra curricular boat building contest by his elementary school.  He was part of a team that designed, built and then paddled the boat.
And here is Manny with the actual boat! He was invited to join an ext...
Science is also a love of Manny's.  Here he is in China with a telescope of large.  Not sure he could see an astronaut but definitely some stars and planets.
Science is also a love of Manny's. Here he is in China with a telesco...
It's no wonder that a few years later Manny is speaking to a NASA astronaut who is on board the International Space Station.  Jorge and I helped to bring this opportunity to his school.
It's no wonder that a few years later Manny is speaking to a NASA astr...
We value education and support Manny with his studies.  When it comes to projects you can always find him engineering something together.  Here he is making a plane from scratch.
We value education and support Manny with his studies. When it comes...
After the plane was built Manny needed to conduct his experiment by collecting data on the flight pattern.  He wanted to see if his hypothesis was correct so we helped him to record his findings.
After the plane was built Manny needed to conduct his experiment by co...
And then the presentation.  As a scientist or engineer, displaying your data is an important part of the process.  We helped Manny develop a style that highlights his hard work and findings.
And then the presentation. As a scientist or engineer, displaying you...
This project was for history class and involved creating a wood etching of a dinosaur.  Manny beautifully planned out and crafted this piece of art to accompany his research about archaeologists of long ago.
This project was for history class and involved creating a wood etchin...
And here is the finished product and final written presentation for the classroom.  The wood etching is a piece that we treasure and hangs in Manny's bedroom.
And here is the finished product and final written presentation for th...
We couldn't be more proud of our middle school graduate!  And he's proud of himself too.
We couldn't be more proud of our middle school graduate! And he's pro...
And as you can see, the kid who likes to figure things out...
And as you can see, the kid who likes to figure things out... towers so big and in balance... towers so big and in balance...
...while using Lego robotics components to make cars drive so fast...
...while using Lego robotics components to make cars drive so fast... forging his way through high school and now using higher level computer software to make calculations for his projects. forging his way through high school and now using higher level c...
Manny's a great friend to his buds.
Manny's a great friend to his buds.
As they have known each other since they were young.
As they have known each other since they were young.
He's an amazing cousin to the little ones...
He's an amazing cousin to the little ones... well as the older ones! well as the older ones!
And he loves his dad...
And he loves his dad...
As the years go on and we create more memories, Manny grows taller than me...
As the years go on and we create more memories, Manny grows taller tha...
...and his dad.
...and his dad.
I am also reminded constantly how lucky I am to have such an amazing step-son.
I am also reminded constantly how lucky I am to have such an amazing s...
Whom we get to raise and cherish all the days through. From the get-go, Manny has been my child...
Whom we get to raise and cherish all the days through. From the get-go...
...and we are as close as can be, even as a teenager!
...and we are as close as can be, even as a teenager!
It is my goal that Manny knows that I am forever here for him with unconditional support and guidance.
It is my goal that Manny knows that I am forever here for him with unc...
And that he is secure in knowing that we will weather any storm together...
And that he is secure in knowing that we will weather any storm togeth... we celebrate the years. we celebrate the years.
Just as the letters here thank Manny for being such a great mentor to the smallest members of our extended family...
Just as the letters here thank Manny for being such a great mentor to...
...we are so confident that Manny is going to be the best big brother to our new little addition.
...we are so confident that Manny is going to be the best big brother...
Family is Everything
Family is everything to us!
Family is everything to us!
My mom and I are super, super close and we chat every day whether it be by text, phone or email.  I am so lucky to have such a supportive person in my life.
My mom and I are super, super close and we chat every day whether it b...
My nephew Noah and niece Stella are an active bunch and we love seeing them for weekend bbqs,  celebratory parties and city excursions.
My nephew Noah and niece Stella are an active bunch and we love seeing...
And often times when it's cold outside my brother Steven and sister-in-law Randi will bring Noah and Stella (and my mom :) to our place for air hockey, billiards and video games.  Oh...and lots and lots of food!
And often times when it's cold outside my brother Steven and sister-in...
Noah and I enjoy our time together where I get to be the Best Aunt Ever!  Who doesn't want to get toys at the Lego store?
Noah and I enjoy our time together where I get to be the Best Aunt Eve...
How time does fly from the days of babysitting for him.
How time does fly from the days of babysitting for him.
And my expressive niece Stella is the most fun to have a conversation with as she's a born actress!
And my expressive niece Stella is the most fun to have a conversation...
From the time she was a baby we have been chatting about all sorts of fun topics that a little person can talk about.
From the time she was a baby we have been chatting about all sorts of...
Manny and Jorge have been coming to family birthday parties on my side from almost the instant we started dating.
Manny and Jorge have been coming to family birthday parties on my side...
Look at us now!  Stella and I love to cause trouble with the guys.
Look at us now! Stella and I love to cause trouble with the guys.
Since they were young Noah and Stella have adored Manny.
Since they were young Noah and Stella have adored Manny.
Manny has been the such an incredible big cousin.  Even at a young age Manny engaged Noah with whatever toy he was playing or puzzle he was completing.
Manny has been the such an incredible big cousin. Even at a young age...
Manny even lets Noah bang on the keys while playing the piano at my mom's house.
Manny even lets Noah bang on the keys while playing the piano at my mo...
And as time goes on Manny and Noah develop a fond friendship with one another.
And as time goes on Manny and Noah develop a fond friendship with one...
They are even known to play a game, or  two, or three of Minecraft together.  Manny coaches Noah through the universe and teaches him how to build and survive.
They are even known to play a game, or two, or three of Minecraft tog...
Manny is also very close to his older cousins Daniella and Amy who live in Canada on Jorge's side of the family.
Manny is also very close to his older cousins Daniella and Amy who liv...
This is Jorge's mom whom he loves dearly.  He traditionally talks to her every Sunday and rushes to call her before she calls him :)
This is Jorge's mom whom he loves dearly. He traditionally talks to h...
And this is Jorge's dad who had a lot of foresight for his sons.  He gave them a computer back in the day when computers first came out.  This is why Jorge has been so technologically successful.
And this is Jorge's dad who had a lot of foresight for his sons. He g...
Manny and his cousins, Daniella and Amy, couldn't have more fun together.  When they visit with us you can bet that we will go to a bowling alley.
Manny and his cousins, Daniella and Amy, couldn't have more fun togeth...
When the girls come down from Canada for extended weekends, it's not uncommon for one of the kids to be messing around as I try to take a photo of them.
When the girls come down from Canada for extended weekends, it's not u...
Daniella and I love hot dogs so she's always up for a NYC
Daniella and I love hot dogs so she's always up for a NYC "street dog"...
Jorge never misses an opportunity for an educational moment with his nieces like this one when we visited the Lego Museum in Toronto.
Jorge never misses an opportunity for an educational moment with his n...
Jorge has a great relationship with Daniella and Amy.  When we travel together you will often find us sitting at a table debating various topics with his brother Pedro such as here in the Dominican Republic.
Jorge has a great relationship with Daniella and Amy. When we travel...
Jorge's nephew's imagination is wild!  We love seeing Vasco when we are up north and have been to countless museums with this information seeking little guy.
Jorge's nephew's imagination is wild! We love seeing Vasco when we ar...
Over the years I have developed the most lovely of relationships with Daniella.  Jorge and I enjoy our time with her as she is an intellect just like him.
Over the years I have developed the most lovely of relationships with...
Being silly with Amy is part of her charm!  Here we are at the Natural History Museum looking at ancient remains and making an interesting photo out of it.
Being silly with Amy is part of her charm! Here we are at the Natural...
Whether a prop or just her humorous fun ways, I love posing for photos with my niece Amy.  Here we are in Portugal setting up lunch decorations for Jorge's birthday.
Whether a prop or just her humorous fun ways, I love posing for photos...
My mom has such a great relationship with the girls as well. 
 She remembers their birthdays, sends texts for important milestones and sees them often on family travels.
My mom has such a great relationship with the girls as well. She re...
A New Year's Eve family tradition at the Portuguese Club with Jorge's family.  We brought my mom this year so she would get experience a feast of all feasts with a midnight buffet.
A New Year's Eve family tradition at the Portuguese Club with Jorge's...
Big/Little Sisters
This is my Little Sister Kellsie from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program.  We were paired in 2002 and I have been by her side through life since the day we met.
This is my Little Sister Kellsie from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters pro...
The program was supposed to be for 1 year but there was no way I was going to leave her side after the year was up.
The program was supposed to be for 1 year but there was no way I was g...
I have been honored to be Kellsie's support system and mentor over all these years.  It has been such a joy to see her grow and succeed in life.
I have been honored to be Kellsie's support system and mentor over all...
This is us way back, when Kellsie was in middle school.  We would have weekly outings to go shopping, get our nails done and sit at restaurants chatting about girl stuff.
This is us way back, when Kellsie was in middle school. We would have...
Learning how to apply makeup and have a fancy hairdo for parties was so important in those teenage years.  I spent time teaching these skills as every gal should know how to look and feel her best.
Learning how to apply makeup and have a fancy hairdo for parties was s...
We wish the flash had treated us better in this photo. Lol
We wish the flash had treated us better in this photo. Lol
One of the most important things to me, was that Kellsie attend and graduate college.  So we researched the best ones for her to visit, attended the orientations together and applied.  She was accepted to Postdam! and was president of her sorority!
One of the most important things to me, was that Kellsie attend and gr...
I couldn't have been more proud of Kellsie when she graduated college at the top of her class!  Her hard work and tireless effort earned her both a BA and Masters as she is now a special education teacher for autistic children.
I couldn't have been more proud of Kellsie when she graduated college...
Soon after graduation, Kellsie and I traveled to Costa Rica and headed to the rain forest!
Soon after graduation, Kellsie and I traveled to Costa Rica and headed...
This was Kellsie's first big trip and learning how to travel abroad. Costa Rica was the perfect place for the adventure!
This was Kellsie's first big trip and learning how to travel abroad. C...
Jorge and me, with Kellsie and her then boyfriend, now husband, Anthony, while visiting with them in Massachusetts.  They met online, at my urging Kellsie to get out there and date!
Jorge and me, with Kellsie and her then boyfriend, now husband, Anthon...
A game of pool anyone?
A game of pool anyone?
Love this photo of us!  What's better than the Manhattan scenery in the background.
Love this photo of us! What's better than the Manhattan scenery in th...
One of the things I admire about Kellsie is her bubbly personality.
One of the things I admire about Kellsie is her bubbly personality.
Another great restaurant and stimulating conversation while visiting with Kellsie and Anthony in Boston.
Another great restaurant and stimulating conversation while visiting w...
Kellsie and I are active people and like to try new adventures while traveling.
Kellsie and I are active people and like to try new adventures while t...
A great photo!
A great photo!
This was our first outing together.  Kellsie and I were given tickets to the US Open and we bonded over the experience.  We officially became Big and Little on this day!
This was our first outing together. Kellsie and I were given tickets...
My mom was instrumental in my relationship with Kellsie.  She was the one who encouraged me to sign up for the Big Borthers/Big Sisters program many years ago.  What a wonderful suggestion!
My mom was instrumental in my relationship with Kellsie. She was the...
Hiking in modern days - protected from covid style!
Hiking in modern days - protected from covid style!
We clean up really nice!  This is us at Kellie's bridal shower.
We clean up really nice! This is us at Kellie's bridal shower.
I planned my wedding in 2 weeks and Kellsie was my maid of honor - we always have so much fun!
I planned my wedding in 2 weeks and Kellsie was my maid of honor - we...
Kellise planned her wedding for 2 years and I was her maid (matron) of honor!
Kellise planned her wedding for 2 years and I was her maid (matron) of...
Friendship Fun
Lori and I have been friends since sleep away camp in the 1980s.
Lori and I have been friends since sleep away camp in the 1980s.
This is Lori and me dressed up for a musical performance at sleep away camp.  We were so excited for this show!
This is Lori and me dressed up for a musical performance at sleep away...
Jorge's best friend Pete is the most dependable guy we know.  Pete and Monica are our family friends whom we can rely on for anything.
Jorge's best friend Pete is the most dependable guy we know. Pete and...
Peter and Jorge have such a close friendship.
Peter and Jorge have such a close friendship.
Manny's best friends Mason and Rubson.
Manny's best friends Mason and Rubson.
They have been best buds since they were young and all met at school.
They have been best buds since they were young and all met at school.
Manny and Mason.
Manny and Mason.
Manny and Rubson.
Manny and Rubson.
This is my friend Ashley who is always planning a get together! Whether it be a swap for clothes, a game of bingo or a shuffle board adventure, Ashley loves keeping her friends close and kids are always welcome!
This is my friend Ashley who is always planning a get together! Whethe...
House impromptu get together after a long week of work.
House impromptu get together after a long week of work.
My friend Amber and I used to live next door to each other in our NYC apartments when we were single ladies.  She started the biggest single companies in Manhattan and met her husband Juan through it.  Marc is my old neighbor!
My friend Amber and I used to live next door to each other in our NYC...
This is Juan with Nola (my friend Amber's daughter) and the blonde is my friend Maria.  Maria married Jorge and me which made our wedding so special.
This is Juan with Nola (my friend Amber's daughter) and the blonde is...
A great shot or my amazing NYC friends - that's me with Amber and Maria.
A great shot or my amazing NYC friends - that's me with Amber and Mari...
Great photo of me and my friend Maria from way back when.
Great photo of me and my friend Maria from way back when.
My friend Maria marrying Jorge and me on our wedding day!
My friend Maria marrying Jorge and me on our wedding day!
My closest friend Melissa and I have known each other since first day of college freshman year.  Also in this pic is my camp friend Lori and my Los Angeles friend Rebecca whom I have known for over 20 years and met while I lived in California.
My closest friend Melissa and I have known each other since first day...
Jorge is extremely close with his friend Paul who is also in the science/engineering field and his wife Sharon. They have been friends for over 20 years.
Jorge is extremely close with his friend Paul who is also in the scien...
Great pic of Jorge and his friends Paul and Sharon.
Great pic of Jorge and his friends Paul and Sharon.
Manny with his friends.
Manny with his friends.
Hanging out on a pink flamingo - Manny and his friends.
Hanging out on a pink flamingo - Manny and his friends.
This is the best - Manny and his friend Jack.  The teacher actually sent us this photo because it was so cute!
This is the best - Manny and his friend Jack. The teacher actually se...
Central Park with my friends Lori and Dennis.
Central Park with my friends Lori and Dennis.
Did anyone say axe throwing?  A night out with our friends Jon, Maryjo and Manny's friend Jack.
Did anyone say axe throwing? A night out with our friends Jon, Maryjo...
World Travels