Jennifer & Jorge

Hoping to Adopt (New York)


Our Story - Beauty and The Geek

We just can’t wait to expand our family and add an imaginative, spirited, energetic bundle of joy into our lives as we have so much love to give.

With All Our Love - Jennifer & Jorge
HOW WE MET Speed dating really does work! I was the bell-ringing happy-hostess who ran the events and Jorge was a perfect participant. Over a period of about a year and a half, 7 years ago, Jorge would attend the various speed dating parties with plenty to talk about, fun-filled humor and lots of patience. If you ask him, he'd say he was just waiting for the right moment to ask me out. Finally, one night after an event, Jorge decided it was time to see if I'd like to have dinner with him and we have been together ever since! As Jorge would put it and so became, “Beauty and the Geek”. A SINGLE DAD AND SOON-TO-BE STEP-MOM When Jorge and I first met he was a single full-time dad to an adorable 10 year boy. And from the moment I met Manny, I adored and loved him as if he was a part of my life from the moment he was born. Jorge, Manny and I spent all of our time together exploring, creating and becoming our blended family. THE SURPRISE PROPOSAL Fast forward to a few years later in Portugal, on top of a hill, at a 14th century castle, all dressed up in period piece costumes, Jorge is down on one knee proposing to me. I couldn’t believe he pulled off such a surprise because the whole family knew about it. It was truly the proposal of a lifetime! OUR BEAUTIFUL WEDDING Then to follow, our beautiful wedding in New York City with our families and close friends. We took our vows and captured memories so gorgeous. With Manny by our side, Jorge and I promised our devotion to each other and for a life filled with heaps of happiness, jumps of joy and lots of love. WHY WE WANT TO ADOPT After years of trying to have a baby and many failed IVF treatments, Jorge and I just knew that the next step for us would be to raise and nurture a child who would be placed with us through adoption. When we shared the news with our family and friends that we were starting the journey towards adoption - they were over the moon excited for us! With two loving parents, an amazing big brother, boundless opportunities and lots of love, we just can’t wait to expand our family and add an imaginative, spirited, energetic bundle of joy into our lives.
Getting to Know Jennifer

Helping children to reach their potential is one of Jen's most incredible talents.

With Love
Jennifer is an amazingly beautiful, intelligent woman who truly loves being a mother and wife. She’s our family scheduler, activity coordinator and party planner but most importantly Jen is an incredible step-mom to our son. That’s the most remarkable thing about Jen, her unconditional love and dedication to our family. From the very beginning Jen was there to help Manny reach his potential and personal best. She ensures his academic success, encourages his musical talents and supports him to discover new opportunities. She's our family cheerleader and helps us both with exploration into new endeavors. But helping children to reach their potential is one of Jen’s most incredible talents. She did the same with her Little Sister from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program over a span of 18 years. Kellsie was placed with Jen at the age of 11 and is now 29 years old and happily married. Jen helped her to graduate from high school, apply for and get into college, achieve a bachelor and masters degree and then secure a position as a special education teacher. It amazes me how she does all of this and finds time to workout so as to stay healthy and fit, while also contributing to our family business. I consider myself so lucky every day to have such an amazing wife and cannot imagine a better step-mom to my son!
A Little About Jorge

Jorge is the most patient, understanding, calm, cool and supportive dad you can get.

With Love
Jorge just loves being a scientist! He was a Harvard Professor, has worked with NASA, and is currently doing studies for Covid relief. Jorge is constantly using his brain to come up with new ways to solve problems, give back to his community and improve the world. Jorge is the smartest person I know and most definitely the smartest person in any room. He is an amazing mentor to his PhD students and collaborates internationally with colleagues from all over the world! Being an award-winning scientist, Jorge is specifically selected by international universities to teach and live abroad. The opportunities he creates for our family to immerse ourselves in a variety of cultures is so incredibly unique. But the most important thing about Jorge is that he is a dad. He is the most patient, understanding, calm, cool and supportive dad you can get. A single dad, for a long time before he met me, I admired his devotion to Manny and love for his son. Jorge is our household cook, personal maintenance man, family IT representative and most thoughtful flower delivery guy you can get. His love and devotion as a husband and father is something our blended family feels every day.
Our Teenage Son Manny and Our Promise to You

Manny has such a kindhearted nature which is going to make him the best big brother.

With All Our Love - Jennifer, Jorge and Manny
Manny is 15 years old and has already lived abroad in both Ireland and New Zealand. He's an engineer at heart who loves to explain how things work so if you get him started you’re in for a fully detailed explanation. Manny also loves music. With a piano in his room that he refurbished himself, and 3 guitars including Jorge's electric, we get a private concert every night including a serenade with the newly added voice lessons. An intellectual by nature, who loves teaching himself by watching educational videos, you can always find him with a new book in hand - reading, reading, reading. Having such a kindhearted nature, Manny spends a lot of time mentoring his younger cousins. This is so endearing as he chooses to clear a space in his schedule because family is important to him. Manny has his sights set on a top tier college and works hard to keep his grade point average super high. No doubt he’s taking cues from his dad by giving back to his community as he’s an elected member of School Senate Committee, participant on the School Leadership Team and volunteer at a local food shelter. OUR PROMISE TO YOU Adoption is the most beautiful thing. It is where the gift of life, gets gifted. We cannot think of a gift we would treasure more and how honored we would be if you chose us as parents for your child. At this time of great decision in your life we want to thank you for getting to know our family. If you decide to place your baby in our home, it is our hope that you will find peace in knowing that your child will be loved, nurtured and supported, forever and unconditionally. And as our journey continues, this beautiful gift of life that you bestowed upon us, will know that he/she was adopted from the most loving of birth mothers who wanted nothing more than the very best for her baby. We admire your strength, courage and bravery. Should you choose us to raise your child, our promise to you is the he/she will have top-notch education, worldwide travel and vast immersive experiences! Your child will cross continents and live in places that some can only dream about. We promise to love, nurture and mentor with an open mind and open heart. And as the little life that you decided to place with us grows, we promise that he/she will develop a strong sense of personal identity, respect for others and commitment to community. We promise that your child will feel happiness and joy, be celebrated and understood and have parents that will be there for him/her, forever and always. So it is with lots of hope and belief in a blessing that we are waiting for a match. We thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We cannot wait to you give all of our love to a new addition to our family. Thinking of you and sending our love - Jennifer, Jorge and Manny