Rob & Andee

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


Post-Adoption Relationship

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.

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We can’t begin to know how difficult your decision to place your child for adoption must be. We admire your selfless strength. As adoptive parents, we commit to honor your sacrifice by continuing to put this child’s needs above all the other competing needs of the world. We commit to provide love, s...


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 42

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Half), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

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